12 Reasons to be Thankful for your Kids

Mom kissing her child on the cheek

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it’s a great time to reflect on how and why you are thankful for your kids.  Despite all the tough parenting moments, having kids is a fulfilling and enriching experience. And certainly one that all parents grow to appreciate with every new stage, from pregnancy and breastfeeding, to the school years and beyond.  During this Thanksgiving holiday season, take time to reflect on all the ways you are thankful for your kids.  We’re getting you started with our 12 reasons to be thankful for your kids.

1 – Kids have amazing perspective.  Watching the world through your kids’ eyes is fascinating and eye opening for you as well.  As adults we become jaded, but experiencing things for the first time with your child helps us re-envision them with wonderful new light.

2 – Kids help you live by your morals.  Identifying your morals is one thing, but living by your own code of ethics in order to be a good role model for you kids takes being a better person to another level.  But surely if we expect our kids to have a moral conscience, we must lead by example.

3 – Kids keep you active.  Keeping up with kids can be quite a workout.  From crawling infants and teetering toddlers, to playground daredevils and sports-loving tikes, kids force us to live more active lives. (Activewear for moms: sports bras and leggings for every body and stage of parenting!)

4 – Kids teach you to prioritize.  Life with kids means making some tough decisions about life’s priorities.  Kids help keep the most important part of our lives – our family – on the forefront most of the time, even if it means sacrifices in other areas.

5 – Kids make life more interesting.  As kids grow and develop, their interests are constantly evolving, which helps keep our lives as adults more interesting too.  It’s easy for us adults to become stale, but kids are consistently reinventing themselves in spectacular, resilient ways.

6 – Kids challenge you to find solutions.  Having kids is all about being a problem solver, and your kids are constantly looking at you to have all the magic answers.  It can be a big challenge but we all dig deep to find solutions when life requires it.

7 – Kids teach the true meaning of unconditional love.  No matter how frustrating and difficult parenting gets, we always love our kids.  For most of us, the parent/child relationship is the only one of true unconditional love we will ever experience. (Perfect cuddle moments: sleep and leisure bras for round-the-clock snuggles.)

8 – Kids inspire spontaneity.  Not fully understanding schedules and all social norms, kids can be quite spontaneous.  Sometimes this is difficult for parents to handle, but it also inspires us to live in the moment and forget the rules, within moderation.

9 – Kids make you more creative.  In addition to being a problem solver, you have to be very creative to be a parent.  Whether through the art of distraction or helping with school projects, your creative parental juices are always flowing.

10 – Kids give you cause to be prepared.  With kids, preparation and organization are essential to avoid complete chaos all the time.  Simply by keeping a regular schedule, always having snacks and toys on hand, and thinking through your day with your kids in mind can make your day go much smoother and help keep everyone in your family happy.

11 – Kids remind you to dream big.  In the heart and mind of a child, there are endless possibilities in life.  Their dreams reach as far as the sky because they are not limited by normal conventions.  Dreaming big is a virtue we can all admire and inspires us to think beyond the limits of our boxes and seek new possibilities.

12 – Kids keep you young at heart.  Playing with your kids keeps the body, mind and spirit young like nothing else in the world can.  As adults, we rarely get to play, but playing with a child will keep you young to the core. (Play in comfort with our young-at-heart inspired bralettes that also have great support.)

Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy Thanksgiving!


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