Breast Health
The New Year is a time for getting healthy in many ways. For women, setting healthy expectations for our bodies should include taking care of our feminine assets, our breasts! Consider the following guidelines when making choices for superior breast health this New Year:
Wear the Right Bra: It is essential to wear the right fitting bra – which you can determine by using Leading Lady’s fit calculator – and the right bra for your lifestyle needs.
Contrary to what you may have heard, underwire bras are not harmful to your breasts so if that is the style you prefer that gives you the best fit and the most support, go for it!
Leading Lady offers a variety of comfortable, supportive and stylish underwire bras in full figure and nursing styles.
Do not get caught up on size. The right size bra for you is the size that fits best.
Breastfeeding: Not only is breastfeeding the best source of nutrients for your baby and a great way to bond with your little one, but it is also a long term gift to yourself. According to Women’, studies show that breastfeeding reduces th
e risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes and postpartum depression.
If you’re concerned about sagging from breastfeeding, you can take worry off your list. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons says that there are other causes for the loss of breast elasticity that creates sag, but not the increase in breast size due to milk.
Exercise: Exercise will help you strengthen your muscles to improve posture. If your breasts are large, you could develop back pain from the pressure put on your back from the weight of your breasts. A proper fitting sports bras (offered in both our full figure and nursing collections) that encapsulate and compress the breasts will prevent bounce and cause less strain and sag, but be sure you still have a full range of motion for your desired activity.
While you cannot exercise your way into less sagging (don’t you wish!) because there are no muscles in breasts, studies have shown that women who exercise regularly have a decreased change of developing breast cancer.
Alcohol, Caffeine and Smoking: Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption and smoking, all of which can cause painful lumps made by fibrous and glandular tissue. While these lumps may not be cancerous, they often hurt and could cause you to overlook lumps that should be examined further.
Know Your Body: Some women are more prone to lumps and breast pain. Know what is normal for you and seek help medical advice if you are seeing or feeling anything out of the ordinary.
Exams: Women of all ages should complete monthly self-breast exams 5 to10 days after the start of your period. Your physician should also do a thorough yearly breast exam. The American Cancer Society recommends that women age 40 and older should also have yearly mammograms.
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