From NICU to Nursing Success
“I had my son Ian on October 23, 2015. To be honest I had no plans whatsoever to breastfeed. When Ian was 1 day old he was taken down to Dayton Children’s NICU. The nurse said breast milk would help out tremendously. They gave me a pump. I pumped every 2 hours for a week.
Before he got released the lactation specialist showed me how to latch. Since he had a bottle preference and I have flat nipples, we had to use a nipple shield. I went to my WIC office several times to get help. The women there are outstanding. At 2 months he weaned off the nipple shield. Yay! I was so happy.
At 4 months we got his lip and tongue tie reversed. I went back to WIC to get help with his latch again after it was fixed. Yet again they were wonderful with helping us.
In the beginning nursing in public was honestly scary. Now I nurse with the 2 shirt method with out batting an eye. I haven’t had one bad comment or look. Almost nine months in and it’s the most wonderful most natural thing. I absolutely love our nursing bond. I can’t believe I didn’t nurse my oldest. If you’re one the fence to breastfeed, just try it. It’s hard at first but completely worth it. I can’t wait for many many more months!”
Ashley, Sidney Shelby County, OH – WIC
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