How to Write a Letter to your Mom for Mother’s Day
Expressing your love and gratitude for your mom may be something you do often, or you may be remiss in telling her how much you care. While each mother-daughter relationship is unique, all moms enjoy feeling appreciated, especially on Mother’s Day. That’s why it’s a perfect holiday to tell mom exactly how you feel about her. Today we’re going to help you tap into your inner-scribe and go over how to write a letter to your mom for Mother’s Day.
Why Write a Letter
Telling your mom your true feelings is wonderful and we highly encourage you to do it often. But on special occasions like Mother’s Day, putting your thoughts and feelings on paper is something she can keep with her and revisit often. Also, writing letters allows you time to thoughtfully express exactly what you want to say with time constraints, losing your train of thought or other distractions that may be an impediment during your Mother’s Day celebrations. Whether you type it or hand-write it, your mother will surely love receiving a personal letter from you on Mother’s Day.
What to Say to Mom
Before you write a letter to your mom for Mother’s Day, spend a few minutes brainstorming what you want to express to her. You probably want to start off by thanking her for all the wonderful ways she’s helped you and shaped your life. From caring for your every need as an infant, to helping you through challenging times in your life, your mother has probably done a lot for you. Make sure she knows how much you appreciate that unwavering love and support throughout your life.
In your letter, celebrate your mom’s wonderful qualities. Is she kind, caring and compassionate? Is she edgy, sarcastic and witty? Is she smart, clever and resourceful? Whoever she is, tell her that you love those terrific aspects of her.
Acknowledge what you’ve learned from your mother as well. Mothers want to know that their influence has guided their children’s ideals, values and successes. This shows her that her innate qualities and all the hard work she did in raising you were completely worth it because she molded the wonderful person that you have become.
Also, give specific examples of how she was a super mom to you. This is a personal letter recognizing your intimate relationship with your mom. If you wanted to praise her generically, you can buy a card. But expressing your personal feelings should include examples from your personal interactions.
A Few Reminders
Not everyone is flowery and sentimental and that’s OK. Chances are, your mom knows you well enough to know if you’re being authentic in your letter so don’t go overboard if that’s not true to who you are.
Also, your letter doesn’t have to be a novel. A few paragraphs is all it takes to make mom feel incredibly special and loved on Mother’s Day.
Feel free to write letters to other mothers in your life too, not just your own mom. This gift of all gifts is fabulous for grandmothers, aunts, sisters and friends as well.
We hope you find these tips helpful as you write a letter to your mom for Mother’s Day. We wish you a very happy Mother’s Day!
The post How to Write a Letter to your Mom for Mother’s Day appeared first on Leading Lady.