Little Black Dress: DIY Halloween Costumes
Halloween is right around the corner and you may or may not have a costume for the annual get together. If you’re like the most of us you don’t want to spend $100 on an outfit you’re only going to wear once. This is where the “do it yourself” comes in. DIY is perfect for such occasions because you most likely have something in your closet that can be transformed into the perfect “last minute” Halloween Costume that’s half the price! Today we are sharing a twenty-five Halloween Costume Ideas you can use with that little black dress of yours!
- Vampire: To pull off a casual or sexy vampire look all you need if your dress, a red or black cap, heels, fangs, and fake blood!
- Wicked Witch of the West: This Halloween idea is almost too easy! Put on your dress, paint your face green, style up your hair and put on your black witch hat, and then grab a pair of cute heels to go along with your outfit! If you want to be a little more creative you can jazz up your dress with some green paint or fabric.
- Skeleton: All you need is some white fabric, your little black dress, and scissors for this Halloween costume. Cut out the bones from the white fabric and paste onto your dress. You can even paint your face to make the outfit complete.
- Maleficent: Angelina Jolie has a gorgeous style in Maleficent, and we want to copy it! If you don’t want to make your own horns checkout amazon or your local Halloween store for one to buy, but they are fairly easy to make out of paper Mache. Perfect your little dress with a black blazer and an awesome makeup job!
- Morticia Adams: Fairly simple, all you need is a long black wig and red lipstick.
- Sexy Zorro Lady: This is a great idea to bring back! Grab your dress, a black ribbon with eye holes to tie around your eyes, and a hat and you’ll be Lady Zorro in a whip!
Day of the Dead: This one seems fun! If you have a short little black dress buy some fringe to go around the bottom, or if you have a black tutu that will work too. Find an awesome face painting tutorial on YouTube and paint yourself up to be a day of the dead character.
- French Maid: For a sexier option, we have the French maid costume. If you have a white apron lying around your costume is complete.
- Ninja: Changing your casual little black dress into a sexy, sword fighting ninja can be a lot of fun! All you need is a pair of black tights, or if your dress is short a pair of leather leggings will do just fine, black scarf to tie around your mouth, red ribbon for pop details around your waist, arms, and legs, and then two fake swords!
- V for Vendetta: If you want to be like Natalie Portman try this amazing idea! Grab yourself a black jacket, a pair of over the knee boots, a black hat, and a fake sword and you’ll be just as awesome as Evey this Halloween!
- Snooki: Snooki has made a name for herself on the hit series, “Jersey Shore.” If you want to replicate this meatball’s style put on your little black dress, bump up your hair, and grab those stilettos!
- Black Swan: Another Natalie Portman ensemble! This may be one of the more complex ideas depending on how you want to do your makeup, but the getup is pretty simple. All you need is your dress, a black tutu, black tights, black flats, and feathers for detail.
- Bat Girl:Bat Girl can transform your dress into two different elements: sexy or casual. If you’re looking for something a little sexier grab a pair of heels, an eye mask, and a strapless little black dress. If you want something cute, but more on the conservative side, grab a leather jacket to cover up your shoulders. Also, to make your bat signal, use yellow duct tape and tape the design on the front of your dress.
- Lady Gaga: If you’re ready to break the rules this Halloween try this idea! Load yourself up with glitter, a fun and crazy hair do, and maybe slap a piece of meat on to your dress and you’ll be imitating Lady Gaga in no time!
- Edward Scissor Hands: Edward Scissor Hands is definitely a costume many try to duplicate during the Halloween season. If you’re in a hurry pull together an ensemble of boots, black tights, your little black dress, and some fake scissor hands you can make out of cardboard.
- Pirate: All you need is an eye patch, a pirate hat, leggings or tights you won’t mind tearing up a bit, and a white button up to wear on top of your dress.
- Zombie: Zombie costumes have been a hit for some time now. Dress up like the living dead by getting yourself a pair of fake contact lenses, a bottle of fake blood, and a ripped t-shirt to throw over your dress.
- Egyptian Princess: You can find Egyptian Princess accessories at any Halloween store, or even by searching the web. Find a pair of gladiator sandals and this look will be complete.
Photo credit: notmargaret / Foter / CC BY-NC-ND
Flapper: Dress up your little black dress with some decorative fridge, black tights, black heals, and a fancy head band and you’ll be a stylish 20’s flapper in no time! Add some gloves and a short hair style wig to make it complete!
- Cat: All you need is cat ears and a tail!
- Warrior Princess: Find yourself a fake sword, a pair of gladiator sandals or boots, and smother on some warrior face paint!
- Babydoll from Sucker Punch: This is one of our sexier costume ideas! Babydoll from the hit movie, “Sucker Punch” wears her hair in pigtails and shows a little bit of skin. All you need is a black head band, a scarf to tie around your neck, a fake sword, and some rocking combat boots!
- Audrey Hepburn: Such a classy look! Fancy up your little black dress with a pearl necklace, heels, a tiara, and cute sunglasses!
- Posh Spice: Who doesn’t want to be a Spice Girl? Posh is one of our favorites, and her style is easy to follow when you’re looking for a quick costume! Spice up your dress with a pair of cute heels, lip gloss, and a silver arm bracelet.
- Masquerade: Glue on some decorative feathers, make yourself an awesome paper Mache mask, and buy yourself a colorful tutu for this simple Halloween idea!
The post Little Black Dress: DIY Halloween Costumes appeared first on Leading Lady.