Sexy is a State of Mind
There are a million ways to be sexy and here’s a secret…they have nothing to do with being a size 2. Sexy is a state of mind, and one that many women forget to enter as we’re focused on career, family and the daily responsibilities of our lives. That’s why we’re here to help you discover some simple ways to feel sexier today.
With just a little effort, you can boost your confidence exponentially. And when you’re more confident, every aspect of your life benefits. Leading Lady is all about inspiring confidence from the intimates, out. We believe that this attitude starts from within so we’re sharing some of our favorite ways you can feel sexy right now, and motivate that sexy state of mind.
Joke and Laugh: If you have a good sense of humor, use it to your advantage. Everyone loves to laugh. And you should smile and laugh too. These positive emotional expressions are attractive.
Show Less Skin: Dressing in an overly revealing or seductive way is not always sexy. In fact, sometimes it is tacky. Instead, class up your look and wear clothes that flatter your curves and are comfortable for the occasion. When you love your body, it shows more through appropriate clothes.
Be Smart: Don’t play dumb. Initiate intellectual conversations, even if you don’t know everything on the topic. Challenge yourself to learn new things. Smart Women = Sexy Women
Wear Sexy Bras: Whether anyone else sees it or not, you know you’ve got on a sexy bra and that’s going to make you feel amazing. Flirty, feminine lace usually does the trick. If you need to bake in some sexiness overnight, wear only your bra and panties to sleep.
Primp in One Way: No need to spend hours at the spa getting beautified every day. But treat yourself to one thing – a mani/pedi, a blow out, a new shade of lipstick, a spray tan – that will make you feel great.
Be Inspired: Don’t be threatened by other sexy women; Let them be role models that inspire you to be sexier. And remember, even the one you put on a pedestal has her own issues so cut her some slack too. Likewise, eliminate women from your life that discourage your natural sexiness. They are toxic to your mission.
Don’t Pluck: Full brows are hot and they are youthful. Don’t over-pluck your brows, but rather allow for natural growth. If you naturally have thin brows, use an eye pencil to fill them out.
Be Kind: Nothing is less attractive than a snotty person. It’s usually easier to be nice than mean, so save your energy and treat everyone with respect.
Wear High Heels: There is something about the feeling of height that gives you a boost of confidence. As the saying goes, you’re “on top of the world.” Make sure you can walk in them though. It’s not as sexy when you’re tripping over yourself.
Take control of your sexiness today! Try one new thing and see how it feels. We bet your sexy state of mind will come around in no time.
The post Sexy is a State of Mind appeared first on Leading Lady.